Jingyuan Zhao obtained her PhD in Management Science and Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China (accredited by AACSB and EQUIS). Dr. Zhao's research expertise includes management of technology innovation, technology strategy, behavior and information technology, regional innovation systems and global innovation networks, high-tech industries, multinational governance, and science and technology policy. She has teaching experience of 15 years at the graduate and undergraduate level. Research portfolio includes more than fifty peer-reviewed articles in highly regarded journals, authored books, multiple book chapters, and conference presentations. Dr. Zhao also has extensive industry experience and provides consulting services to major corporations such as China Mobile. She serves as editor-in-chief of International Journal of e-Collaboration(IJeC). Currently she is a professor at University of Toronto.Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos is a professor in the Department of Business Administration and Accountability in the Faculty of Economics at The University of Oviedo (Spain). Her teaching and research interests focus on the areas of strategic management, knowledge management, intellectual capital, and China. She serves as an Associate Editor for the Behaviour and Information Technology journal. Additionally, she is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (IJLIC) and the International Journal of Strategic Change Management (IJSCM). She is also Editor-in-Chief of IGI Global’s International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), as well as editor for a number of IGI Global book publications and full book series.Robert D. Tennyson is currently a Professor of Educational Psychology and Technology in the Learning and Cognition, at the University of Minnesota. In addition to his faculty position, he is also the Program Coordinator for Psychological Foundations of Education. His published works range from basic theoretical articles on human learning, to applied books on instructional design and technology. He is editor of the scientific journal, Computers in Human Behavior, published by Elsevier Science which is now in its 17th year, as well as serving on several editorial boards for professional journals. His research and publications include topics such as cognitive learning and complex cognitive processes, intelligent systems, complex-dynamic simulations, testing and measurement, instructional design, and advanced learning technologies. At the present time, he is working with a German colleague on basic research in learning complex-advanced knowledge.
His international activities include directing a NATO-sponsored Advanced Research workshop (Barcelona) and a NATO Advanced Study Institute (Grimstad, Norway)—both on the topic of Automated Instructional Design and Delivery. He has recently directed an institute on technology in Athens and Kuala Lumpur. His other international activities include twice receiving a Fulbright Research Award to Germany and once to Russia. His teaching interests include psychology of learning, technology-based systems design, evaluation, and management systems.