Sudhir K. Routray received his B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Utkal University, India; M.Sc. (Engineering) degree in data communications from Sheffield University, UK; and PhD in telecommunication engineering from University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has worked as a lecturer in Biju Pattnaik Technical University, Rourkela (India); Swami Vivekananda University of Technology, Bhilai (India); and Eritrea Institute of Technology, Mai Nefhi (Eritrea). He joined the Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro in 2011 and worked there till 2015. He joined CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India in Aug 2015 as a member of the faculty of Electronics and Communication Engineering. His research interests are 5G, IoT, wireless networks, optical networks, network science and statistical analysis of communication networks. He is a senior member of IEEE. He serves as a volunteer in IEEE Bangalore Section in Region 8. Now he works as an Associate Professor in the department of ECE in Bule Hora University, Bule Hora.
Sasmita Mohanty currently works as a manager of P S Stats, Cuttack India. This is a startup company whose focus is mainly sports analytics. Prior to joining P S Stats, she was working in education sector. She has taught at various levels to the students of college and universities. In the recent years, her areas of interest are: statistical analysis, strategic changes in technology sectors, telecommunication policies, strategic changes in the vendor and operator markets.