Priti Jain is a Professor of Information and Knowledge Management in the Department of Library and Information Studies at the University of Botswana. She holds BA (Hons) and LLB degrees from Meerut University, India, a Master’s in Library and Information Studies from the University of Botswana, and a DLit et Phil (Doctor of Literature and Philosophy) from Unisa, South Africa. In her 17 years’ working experience in Library and information world, Priti has written extensively in referred journals and has presented sever al papers in international conferences. She serves on five editorial boards in international journals. She is engaged in various community initiatives. She teaches and researches in knowledge management and information Science courses. Her current areas of research interest are: Knowledge management, Open access, Institutional Repositories, and Digital Scholarship
Nathan Mnjama is a Professor in the Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Botswana with specialization in Archives and Records Management. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from University of Nairobi, a Postgraduate Diploma in Archives and Records Management from University of Ghana, a Post Graduate Diploma in History from Girton College, Cambridge and a PhD in Archival Studies from University College, London. Prof Mnjama has worked as an archivist and records manager at the Kenya National Archives and was responsible for the location and copying of Kenyan archives from the UK between 1980 and 1985. He has considerable experience in teaching and delivery of archives and records management programmes having lectured at the School of Information Sciences, Moi University Kenya prior to joining the Department of Library and Information Studies University of Botswana where he has been instrumental in the design of archives and records management programmes since 1996. Prof Mnjama is a well-known speaker and presenter in archives and records management forums in East and Southern Africa. He has published extensively in the field of archives and records management in Africa. Mnjama has participated in several records management initiatives organized by the International Records Management Trust aimed at improving archives and records keeping practices in Africa.
O. Oladokun is an Associate Professor in the Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Botswana teaching information organization courses in cataloguing, classification, indexing and abstracting, among others. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Education) degree of the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), a Master of Library Studies, University of Ibadan, Master of Information Science (MIS), University of Pretoria, and PhD, University of Botswana. He has previously worked as a Senior Librarian, Principal Librarian, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. He was also a Senior Librarian and Manager, Learning Commons, University of Botswana before joining the Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Botswana.