Oleg Sergiyenko received the B.S., and M.S., degrees in Kharkiv National University of Automobiles and Highways, Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1991, 1993, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Kharkiv National Polytechnic University on specialty “Tools and methods of non-destructive control” in 1997. He received the DSc. (habit.) degree in Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics in 2018. He has been an author of 1 book and editor of 8 books (in Springer, IGI Global, etc.), written 31 book chapters, over 140 papers indexed in Scopus and holds 3 patents (of Ukraine and Mexico). Since 1994 till the present time he was represented by his research works in several International Congresses of IEEE, ICROS, SICE, IMEKO in USA, England, Japan, Italy, Austria, Ukraine, Canada, Portugal, Brazil and Mexico. In many of them, he was a Session Chair. He gets the “Best presentation award” on IEEE conferences IECON2014 in Dallas, USA, on IECON2016 in Florence, Italy, ISIE2019 in Vancouver, Canada. He also did receive the Emarald Literati Award of 2017 Outstanding paper for his article published in Industrial Robot: an International Journal. Dr. Sergiyenko in December 2004 was invited by Engineering Institute of Baja California Autonomous University for researcher position. He is currently Head of Applied Physics Department of Engineering Institute of Baja California Autonomous University, Mexico, director of several Master’s and Doctorate thesis. He is a full-member (Academician) of Academy of Applied Radioelectronics of Belorussia, Ukraine and Russia. His current research interests include automated metrology, machine vision systems, fast electrical measurements, control systems, robot navigation and 3D laser scanners.
Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez received the Ph.D. degree from Baja California Autonomous University, México, in 2013. He is currently Professor of Electronic Topics with the Engineering Faculty, Autonomous University of Baja California. He is involved in the development of optical scanning prototype in the Applied Physics Department and research head in the development of a new stereo vision system prototype. He has written 27 papers and is currently reviewer for the IEEE Sensors Journal and participates as a reviewer and Section Chair of IEEE conferences in 2014 and 2015. His current research interests include automated metrology, stereo vision systems, control systems, robot navigation and 3D laser scanners.Wendy Flores-Fuentes received the bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from the Autonomous University of Baja California in 2001, the master’s degree in engineering from Technological Institute of Mexicali in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in science, applied physics, with emphasis on Optoelectronic Scanning Systems for SHM, from Autonomous University of Baja California in June 2014. By now she is the author of 30 journal articles in Elsevier, IEEE Emerald and Springer, 13 book chapters and 5 books in Springer, Intech, IGI global Lambert Academic and Springer, 35 proceedings articles in IEEE ISIE 2014-2019, IECON 2014, 2018, 2019, the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (IAENG 2013), IEEE Section Mexico IEEE ROCC2011, and the VII International Conference on Industrial Engineering ARGOS 2014. Recently, she has organized and participated as Chair of Special Session on ‘‘Machine Vision, Control and Navigation’’ at IEEE ISIE 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and IECON 2018, 2019. She holds 1 patent of Mexico and 1 patent of Ukraine. She has been a reviewer of several articles in Taylor and Francis, IEEE, Elsevier, and EEMJ. Currently, she is a full-time professor at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, at the Faculty of Engineering, and is the coordinator of the physics area in the basic science department. She has been incorporated into CONACYT National Research System in 2015. She did receive the award of “Best session presentation” in WSECS2013 in San-Francisco, USA. She did receive as coauthor the award of “Outstanding Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence”.