Handbook of Research on Critical Issues in Special Education for School Rehabilitation Practices

Handbook of Research on Critical Issues in Special Education for School Rehabilitation Practices

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Release Date: April, 2021|Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 590
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7630-4
ISBN13: 9781799876304|ISBN10: 1799876306|EISBN13: 9781799876328
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Description & Coverage

Rehabilitation professionals working with students with disabilities and the families of those students face unique challenges in providing inclusive services to special education student populations. There needs to be a focus on adaptive teaching methods that provide quality experience for students with varying disabilities to promote student success and inclusivity. Critical issues within these practices span autism, diverse students, gifted education, learning disabilities, behavioral and emotional disorders, and more. With having many different types of students with vastly different situations, it is important for rehabilitation professionals to understand the best practices and learning systems for special education students who have a wide range of needs and challenges.

The Handbook of Research on Critical Issues in Special Education for School Rehabilitation Practices focuses on the issues and challenges rehabilitation professionals face in special education and how they can provide inclusive and effective services to diverse student populations. This book highlights topics such as culturally responsive teacher preparation, artificial intelligence in the classroom, universal design, inclusive development, and school rehabilitation and explores the effects these newfound practices in education have on various types of students with disabilities. This book is essential for special education teachers, administrators, counselors, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students interested in the new methods, theories, and solutions for the best practices in inclusive and effective special education.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Adaptive Teaching Methods
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Classroom Management
  • Culturally Responsive Classrooms
  • Disabilities
  • Diverse Student Populations
  • Inclusive Development
  • School Rehabilitation
  • Special Education
  • Universal Design
Table of Contents
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Editor/Author Biographies

Ajay Singh is working as an Assistant Professor of Special Education in the Department of Educational Programs in the College of Education at Texas A & M International University. He is originally from Greenville, North Carolina. Earlier 19 years he was teaching in K-20 System. He taught in India, South Carolina, Oregon, Colorado, Louisiana, and in New Mexico. Since 2009 he is serving in higher education. Dr. Singh completed his PhD in Early Intervention and Special Education from University of Oregon. His research focuses on Assessment, Research Methods, Program Evaluation, Single Subject Research, Inclusive Education, Literacy, Autism, ADHD, PBIS, Mathematics, and STEM. Currently Dr. Singh is serving as a Co-Editor, Journal of Rural Neurology; Associate Editor, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (IJDDE, University of Queensland and Taylor & Francis Publication); Senior Member in the Editorial Board of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties (Taylor & Francis Publication); Member, Editorial Advisory Committee, Teaching Young Children (NAEYC Publication); Honorable Editor, Journal of Disability Management, and Rehabilitation (official publication of Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities, Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical Colleges & Hospital, Chandigarh, Government of India); and Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education (University of Bahrain Publication). Dr. Singh is also involved as a member in the Various Review Boards, i. e.; Journal of Child Neurology, Gifted Education International, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Pediatrics, The Journal of Pediatrics, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, The Journal of At-Risk Issues, Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, Pastoral Care in Education, PLOS Medicine, Journal of Special Education & Rehabilitation, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Journal of International Medical Research, South Africa Journal of Education, African Journal of Disability, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, SPA Peer Reviewer for CAEP, and Peer Reviewer for NAEYC Higher Education Board. Dr. Singh is also associated as a member in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); Invited Member, American Academy of Neurology (AAN); International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS); Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM); American Statistical Association (ASA); and Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). So far Dr. Singh published and presented more than fifty-six Research Papers in several peer reviewed top tier International Journals and in different International Conferences across the world. Currently he is working as a Program Committee Member of the ASCILITE (36th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education), which will be conducted in Singapore University of Social Services between 02 – 05, December 2019. Dr. Singh is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM); Fellow, Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH); and Fellow, American Academy for Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine (AACPDM). This Summer one of his PhD students graduated from Science and Mathematics Department at Southern University and Agricultural & Mechanical (A & M) College, Barton Rouge, Louisiana; he is serving in his PhD Committee as an External Member. Dr. Singh is also working as a Visiting Professor at Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Amity University, Noida, India and serving as a Disability (Expert) with Academic Council on the United Nations (UN) System.

Chia Jung Yeh is working as an assistant professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science, College of Health and Human Performance at East Carolina University (ECU). She is currently holding the Birth-through-Kindergarten (BK) education license from North Carolina. Her research interests include social interaction, creative teaching strategies of mathematics and science education, father involvement, inclusion education, early childhood education, and pre-service/in-service teacher education. Earlier Dr. Yeh was selected for the Engagement and Outreach Scholars Academy fellowship (EOSA) Award during 2018-2019, and worked with a community partner to develop a parenting workshop curriculum and implement two 5-week series of early childhood STEAM parenting workshops in the community during Fall, 2018 and Spring, 2019. She also received UNC Instructional Innovation Incubator (i3@UNC) fellowship and currently serving in few editorial boards as an editor and reviewer around the globe. For the last few years, she has been working with undergraduate and graduate students at ECU and professionals of diverse backgrounds in curriculum design in Head Start and higher education.

Sheresa Boone Blanchard, Ph.D. is an associate professor at East Carolina University in the department of Human Development and Family Science. She primarily teaches courses and supervises interns in the birth through kindergarten teacher education program, a blended licensure area in North Carolina. Dr. Blanchard currently serves as co-chair of the Division for Early Childhood’s Inclusion, Equity, and Social Justice Committee and serves as a governor-appointed commissioner for the North Carolina Child Care Commission as well as other state and local level initiatives and boards. She received the Merle B. Karnes Award for Service to the Division for Early Childhood in 2018. Dr. Blanchard’s research and teaching focus on family/community engagement, inclusion, families of color, assessment, early intervention, and improving teacher preparation competencies through lenses of intersectionality, equity, and social justice. Her scholarly interests emerged from over 20 years of experience as a teacher, practitioner and consultant in early childhood, special education, and early intervention. In Fall 2020, she was appointed to the ECU Rural Education Institute as an Associate Faculty member to sharpen her research focus on the strengths and needs in rural education and early intervention.

Luis Anunciação holds a Ph.D. in Psychometrics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro with partial completion of a graduate program at the University of Oregon, Master of Public Health from Rio de Janeiro State University, and specialization in Biostatistics from John Hopkins University. Currently, he is working as an associate professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he is responsible for teaching quantitative methods, psychometrics, and orienting undergraduate and graduate students. His research agenda focuses on modeling the psychological processes through computational statistics and the development of measurement tools in psychology, neuroscience and rehabilitation.

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