“SMEs contribute with 40% of GDP in emerging economies, and in Brazil, because of the pandemics, they had to accelerate their digital transformation (DT) to maintain their economic activity, moving from physical stores to the virtual environment using websites, social networks, and messaging applications.The purpose of this work is to examine in 20 Brazilian SMEs - challenges, strategies, and activities they had faced in this process, and analyze the results and impacts of this rushed digital transformation.”
– Prof. Marcelo Dionisio, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Brazil has been rapidly recovering the economic and social losses caused by the pandemic thanks to government support and, mainly, to the creativity, innovation and management of Brazilian organizations that were able to face the challenges brought by the covid-19. Chapter 17 presents data and insights on how the battle against the virus was faced and won by companies in the country.
– João Pinheiro de Barros Neto, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil