The Effects of the Transformational Leadership Model on Teachers' Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction in Private Universities in Shandong Province

The Effects of the Transformational Leadership Model on Teachers' Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction in Private Universities in Shandong Province

Changlong Zuo, Chalermkiat Wongvanichtawee, Jidapa Chollathanrattanapong
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.341796
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This study analyze how transformational leadership affects job satisfaction and explore the relationship between transformational leadership and teachers' satisfaction through organizational justice and psychological capital in private universities in Shandong Province. The data 425 valid questionnaires were collected from private universities in Shandong province. The data were analyzed by the quantitative research method, structural equation modeling was constructed, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used with the purpose to test the hypotheses. The results show that there are effects to each variable relationship. There are significant direct effects of transformational leadership on psychological capital, organizational justice, and job satisfaction. Meanwhile, psychological capital and organizational justice mediate between transformational leadership and teachers' job satisfaction. Transformational leadership enhances employees' sense of organizational justice and psychological capital. Transformational leadership motivates employees to have good job satisfaction.
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Literature Review And Hypotheses

Transformational leadership theory is cited in many fields and is essential for improving the effectiveness of organizational leaders. Transformational leadership motivates organization members to improve their performance. This study examined transforming leadership's effects on job satisfaction, psychological capital, and organizational justice.

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