Electronic Globalized Business and Sustainable Development Through IT Management: Strategies and Perspectives

Electronic Globalized Business and Sustainable Development Through IT Management: Strategies and Perspectives

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Release Date: August, 2010|Copyright: © 2011 |Pages: 286
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-623-0
ISBN13: 9781615206230|ISBN10: 161520623X|EISBN13: 9781615206247
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Description & Coverage

The need for the collaboration and exploitation of synergies is crucial in a world where traditional business practices are reconsidered, economic activity is performed in a global context, and new areas of economic development are recognized as the key enablers of wealth and income production.

Electronic Globalized Business and Sustainable Development Through IT Management: Strategies and Perspectives provides fresh ideas on how IT and modern management can contribute to societal and economic objectives, and the significant role of IT for global challenges and international collaboration. This book aims to bring together academics, researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and government officers to contribute to the debate on sustainable development and strategic management through Information Technology.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Design Strategies for Improved Online Instructional Systems
  • Electronic Games and Adult Learning
  • E-Marketing Practices as Tool for Globalisation
  • Engaging Learning Models with ICTs
  • Evolute Methodology
  • Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in IT Management and Risk Analysis
  • Global Environment and B2B Relationships
  • Human Factors in Knowledge Management
  • Simulation Technologies in Global Leaning
  • Social Computing In Business Model Innovation
Reviews & Statements

This book is timely responding to the high demand of our society to adopt Emerging Technologies in all the aspects of Business and Economic activity towards innovative solutions to research problems and high performance systems.

– Miltiadis D. Lytras, CTI, Greece; Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos, University of Oviedo, Spain; Rongbin W. B. Lee, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong; & Waldemar Karwowsk, University of Central Florida, USA
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Editor/Author Biographies
Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos is a professor in the Department of Business Administration and Accountability in the Faculty of Economics at The University of Oviedo (Spain). Her teaching and research interests focus on the areas of strategic management, knowledge management, intellectual capital, and China. She serves as an Associate Editor for the Behaviour and Information Technology journal. Additionally, she is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (IJLIC) and the International Journal of Strategic Change Management (IJSCM). She is also Editor-in-Chief of IGI Global’s International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), as well as editor for a number of IGI Global book publications and full book series.
Miltiadis D. Lytras is a professor in the American College of Greece. His research focuses on semantic web, knowledge management and e-learning, with more than 100 publications in these areas. He has co-edited /co-edits, 25 special issues in International Journals (e.g. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Transactions on Education, Computers in Human Behaviour, Interactive Learning Environments, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, etc) and has authored/[co-]edited 25 books [e.g. Open Source for Knowledge and Learning Management, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Knowledge Management, Intelligent Learning Infrastructures for Knowledge Intensive Organizations, Semantic Web Based Information Systems, China Information technology Handbook, Real World Applications of Semantic Web and Ontologies, Web 2.0: The Business Model, etc] . He is the founder and officer of the Semantic Web and Information Systems Special Interest Group in the Association for Information Systems (http://www.sigsemis.org). He serves as the (Co) Editor in Chief of 12 international journals [e.g. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, International Journal on Social and Humanistic Computing, International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, International Journal on Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, International Journal of Electronic Democracy, International Journal of Electronic Banking, International Journal of Electronic Trade etc] while he is associate editor or editorial board member in seven more.
Professor Waldemar Karwowski, PhD, DSc, PE is Professor and Chairman, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems and Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering at the University of Central Florida, USA. He holds an M.S. (1978) in Production Engineering and Management from the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, and a PhD (1982) in Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University. He was awarded DSc (dr habil.) degree in management science by the State Institute for Organization and Management in Industry, Poland (2004). He also received Honorary Doctorate degrees from three European universities. He is the author or coauthor of over 350 scientific publications, and is Certified Professional Ergonomist (BCPE). Dr. Karwowski was named the J. B. Speed School of Engineering Alumni Scholar for Research, University of Louisville (2004–2006). He served as member of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Engineering Societies (2006–2007), and Executive Board of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents, Washington, D.C. (2007-2009). Dr. Karwowski currently serves on the Committee on Human Systems Integration, National Research Council of the National Academies, USA (2007–2009), and as Editor of the Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing journal, and Editor-in-Chief of Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science journal. He is Past President of the International Ergonomics Association (2000-2003), and Past President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (2007).
Professor Rongbin W.B. Lee is the Chair Professor and Director of the Knowledge Management Research Centre, of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is currently a council member of the Hong Kong Productivity Council and a member of the assessment panel of the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government. He established the Knowledge Solution Laboratory, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, and pioneered the research and practice of knowledge management in various organisations in manufacturing, trading, public utilities, various government departments and healthcare. Professor Lee and his team have launched Asia’s first online MSc Programme in Knowledge Management. His research interests include manufacturing strategy, knowledge management, organisational learning and intellectual capital-based management.
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