Mitja Peruš and Chu Kiong Loo have written a most interesting monograph regarding a model that they have worked out using currently available massively parallel neural net" architecture. They introduce the model by reviewing their understanding of the views of established neuroscience. They then go on to indicate where these views need to be modified on the basis of neurophysiological data that are currently largely ignored. These data are more supportive of the models used in developing neural nets and fit especially well Perus' and Loo's modifications."
– Karl H. Pribam, MD, Georgetown University, USA, George Mason University, USA, and Stanford University, USA
Of interest to quantum physicists and high level researchers and students in the fields of quantum computing, artificial intelligence and human cognition, this volume examines the computational and neurological complexities of vision within the rubric of Karl Pibram's controversial holonomic brain theory. Topics discussed include holonomic-compatible models for vision, holonomic brain processes, computational models, images, associations and consciousness, quantum associative networks, visual processing in main-stream neuroscience, models of the visual cortex and quantum phase-hebbian image processing. ...
– Sci Tech Book News,