"Finally, a masterfully-edited collection on the current state-of-the-art on ePortfolios. Thought provoking explorations from conception and design, to technical architecture and assessment outcomes. This volume is accessible and likely to be a reference guide for years to come."
– Dr. Lev Gonick, CIO, Case Western Reserve University, USA
As this book demonstrates through scientific studies and informed testimonies, the ePortfolio is currently effecting a quiet revolution in the world of learning.
– Serge Ravet, Chief Executive, European Institute for e-Learning (EIfEL), France
This book is important because it will launch new conversations and debates, generate new teams and research themes, support policy and practice initiatives.
– Dr. Kathryn Chang Barker, President, FuturEd Consulting Education Futurists, Inc., Canada
Overall, Handbook of Research on ePortfolios is a welcome contribution to the body of global ePortfolio practice
"It is well worth serious study as it documents a new and important field of practice in higher education."
– Robin Mason, Open University
Handbook of Research on ePortfolios is highly recommended. It belongs on the shelves of all academic libraries. It also belongs as a reference work in all teaching departments in education, and on the book shelves of serious researchers in educational practices and assessment. It certainly must be recommended literature for education students, where the handbook can serve as inspiration and a mechanism to help eductors establish critical benchmarks.
– Ina Fourie, Online Information Review, University of Pretoria