Selected as a Fall 2011 Shelf-Worthy Academic Title by Baker & Taylor.
Edited by three educators in the Department of Applied Educational Science at Umea University in Sweden this work brings together 14 chapters authored by 19 international scholars. Providing an international coverage of the use of technology and interactive media by children and young adults, the chapters are separated into four sections—the context of interactive media, contemporary learning, learning environments, and contemporary challenges. As with other titles from Information Science Reference, this work has both a traditional table of contents and an annotated, or expanded, table of contents, along with a compilation of references and index. The reference styles used throughout the work are not consistent, nor are the spellings or term usage, which can cause problems for readers who are trying to find materials on a similar topic throughout the book. The content is current and applicable to those working with students in the K-12 setting in any country, seeking knowledge about use of interactive media in schools, multiple literacies, and using interactive media to meet these literacy outcomes.
– Sara Marcus