While many books abound on the practice of library and information science in the developed world, there are very few local materials devoted to the developing world, and yet still, only a negligible proportion of such books emanate from the local environment. This book, edited by Drs. Tella and Issa, has filled the void. This book will provide LIS students in developing countries the mastery of library and information science practice in developing countries. The contributors are distinguished professionals in their own rights, who have based their contributions mainly on research in their local environment.
– Prof. L.O. Aina, Dean, Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
"This book would be a useful addition to the collections of academic libraries. In the developing world, most of the articles could be useful study resources, and in developed countries it is valuable to have access to differing perspectives on ways of looking at and doing things that many of us have come to take for granted."
– Barbara Frame, Dunedin Public Library, Australian Library Journal, Vol. 61, No. 3