"Information Communication Technologies and Human Development is a tool for practitioners, providing a wide knowledge of several important ICTs for development experiences that have been conducted all over the developing world. The book compiles international experiences from which to draw lessons that can be used by those interested in how ICT can make a difference in human development. With the follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society creating renewed expectations for real change, the book becomes essential reading for all those involved in making choices about how best to deploy ICTs."
– www.SirReadaLot.org, January 2007
Designed for professionals in the field, this details the equity and poverty addressed by digital technologies in Latin America, the challenging process of building ICTs into African development program, the digtal divide" between those who have access and those who do not, expanding microfinance through ICT, human rights movements and the Internet, ICT-enabled education, applications to health care and health management, and political uses of ICT."
– Book News Inc., August 2007