Dr. Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait is the Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems (MIS) at the College of Information Technology – Department of Information System – University of Bahrain. Dr. Zolait is a senior member of IEEE and the Vice-chair IEEE Bahrain section (Jan, 2019-Present). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD). Founder & Member of Board of
Directors: Society of Excellence & Academic Research, Kingdom of Bahrain, Join Date. 2013. Currently, he is the Secretary of the Society of Excellence and Academic Research (SEAR). Program Chair: The Fourth International Conference on e-learning "Best practices in management, design, and development of e-courses: standards of excellence and creativity" (IeLc 2013): 7th-9th May 2013, Manamah, Kingdom of Bahrain. Technical Program Chair: The Fifth International Conference on e-learning "Cognitively informed technology” 5th to 8th of October 2015, Manamah, Kingdom of Bahrain. Publication Chair: 9th IEEE-GCC conference and exhibition, 8- 11th November 2016, Manama, Bahrain.Program Chair: International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution, ICFIR 2019, Manama - Kingdom of Bahrain. Technical Committee (Vice Chair): The 10th IEEE-GCC Conference & Exhibition 2019, State of Kuwait. He was invited as a speaker to several conferences and seminars. He is selected as an external assessor
(examiners) for many Ph.D. theses in the field of Information systems and e-commerce. Dr. Zolait is considered a prominent scholar and leader in the field of Innovation Diffusion and Technology Acceptance.
Zolait has published, three books, and more than sixty MIS papers, He has published on MIS aspects of Information Security, Information Security Risk Management (ISRM), Assessment of Information Security Maturity, Information Security Landscape, Information Systems Performance in Organization, Internet Banking, Mobile Application, Supply Chain Integration, Web Maturity Evaluation, Performance Analysis and Instructional Technologies and E-commerce Application.His work has been published in leading, ISI & Scopus indexed, Journal of Information Security and Applications, International Journals such as Government Information Quarterly, Behaviour & Information Technology, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Journal of Financial Services Marketing. Before coming to the University of Bahrain, he was the stoops distinguished assistant professor of E-commerce and Management Information Systems at the Graduate School of Business- University of Malaya - Malaysia which is ranked one of the top 100 Universities in the world. Dr. Zolait also serves as the Visiting Research at the University of Malaya at the Faculty of Business and Accountancy (2008). He has excellent communication skills, a collegial approach to faculty and student interactions, and a sincere appreciation of cultural diversity. He developed hundreds of students at all levels- undergraduate, MBA, MM, executive development and doctoral students.