"This book offers something of value for everyone interested in KM, from those wondering 'what is this thing KM', to those looking for solutions to maximize benefits."
– Meliha Handzic, PhD, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology The University of Buckingham, Bosnia and Herzegovina
From the fundamental theories to emerging trends - this impressive six-volume collection is not only an excellent source of reference but also a source of refreshing vitamins for the brain!
– Peter Baloh, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
This collection on knowledge management and associated technologies will be an outstanding reference tool for KM researchers, students and practitioners.
– Dave Croasdell, University of Nevada, Reno
By putting together a comprehensive knowledge base of knowledge management Professor Jennex has created a reference that will greatly benefit practitioners, researchers, and students.
– Lorne Olfman, Claremont Graduate University, USA
This is a six-volume reference collection on contemporary research into critical areas of the field of knowledge management that is intended by Jennex to cover all significant conceptual, methodological, technical, and managerial issues. The approximately 300 articles collected are organized into eight sections.
– Book News (November 2007)
Students and researchers would be hard pressed to find a resource that covers as many critical issues, emerging models, or new developments in the arena of knowledge management. The set is recommended for corporate and academic reference collections.
– American Reference Books Annual, Vol. 39
This six-volume set edited by Jennex provides a comprehensive overview of KM as an emerging discipline.
– CHOICE (June 2008)
Students and researchers would be hard pressed to find a resource that covers as many critical issues, emerging tools, or new developments in the area of knowledge management. The set is reccommeded for corporate and academic reference collections.
– American Reference Books Annual, Vol. 40 (2009)