Information and library scientists survey a number of rapidly changing aspects of distance education that are affecting education and professional development in their field, and relations between the campus librarian and library students. Among their topics are perceptions and experiences of electronic learning among on-campus students, professional development in virtual worlds, pedagogical evolution in the teaching of reference services enabled by the use of three-dimensional immersive virtual-world technology, the masters in library and information studies program through distance at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the awareness and use of electronic resources among library and information science distance learners at Alagappa University in India.
– Annotation ©2013 Book News Inc. Portland, OR
This work offers theoretical frameworks, empirical research, and new examples for those teaching and developing courses for library and information science. The cases and examples in these chapters provide a unique overview of the role new technologies are having in library education. [...] For those studying the future of library education and the role new technologies play in education and the advancement of library science education.
– Sara Marcus, American Reference Books Annual