The "adverse conditions" of the title include obstructions, poor lighting and unfortunate angles that have presented serious obstacles to face-recognition technology up to today, despite the general improvement in applications. This is a collection of papers presented by international teams of researchers, developers and practitioners detailing specific solutions to these problems, both implemented and proposed. Several introductory chapters provide preliminary material on the applications and the issues presented by attempts to implement the technology in uncontrolled settings. The heart of the book is its second section, concentrating on specific algorithms and proposed solutions: face recognition in the presence of partial data and occlusions, the use of spatial relations and face recognition classifiers, recognizing disguised faces, and the use of ocular data. The third section describes a plethora of applications: re-identification, automatic face tagging, and face recognition for mobile applications. The final section describes future directions and provides a re-cap of achieved advances so far.
– ProtoView Book Abstracts (formerly Book News, Inc.)