Chapter 17 of the book,
Handbook of Research on the Platform Economy and the Evolution of E-Commerce (ISBN: 9781799875451) explores how social media and networking platforms can enhance businesses in the financial sector, focusing on shadow banks such as mutual funds, leasing companies, brokers, and credit insurance companies. It highlights the transformation of social media into a marketplace, offers insights into managing this medium for business success, and discusses data collected from bank clients who have used these platforms for financial transactions. With over a decade of experience, Dr. Akwesi Assensoh-Kodua answered some questions about their background and what went into the development of their chapter.
Preview the Chapter: "This Thing of Social Media!: Indeed a Platform for Running or Developing Business in the Financial Sector"
Dr Akwesi Assensoh-Kodua Answers Our Questions
How does your professional background support your ability to be an authority on this chapter's coverage?
Dr. Assensoh-Kodua: I have a PhD in Finance, Masters in Finance as well as IT. I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (CIMA) UK, and a fellow member of Global Academy of Finance and Management (GAFM/AAPM) .
What specific problems does your chapter address?
Dr. Assensoh-Kodua: To avert the rate of credit risk among banks.
How does your chapter provide a solution to these problems?
Dr. Assensoh-Kodua: The chapter developed a model known as CRAM that could be followed by the banks to control credit risk among their customers.
What special organizations, or other professional affiliations give you experience in the areas covered by this book?
Dr. Assensoh-Kodua: I have relevant experience in the topics discussed in this book. Additionally, I am a member of several professional organizations such as the CIPM (Certified International Project Manager), ChBA (Chartered Business Analyst), AMA (Associate Management Consultant), and SAIBA (South Africa Institute of Business Accountants - document number 1).
About the Contributor
Dr Akwesi Assensoh-Kodua is a PhD holder in Management Science from the Durban University of Technology (2018), with a multidiscipline background in Finance and MIS/ IT. His research interests, writings and presentations are widely on matters of Financial technology and innovations, Entrepreneurship, e-Commerce and the Social media revolution. He has published in several international journals and attended many local and international conferences. He currently serves as a Certified Publons Academic Peer Reviewer for Behaviour and Information Technology (Taylor and Francis), Information Technology and People (Emerald), South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences (SAJEMS) and many more.
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