Corporate Social Responsibility
From volunteering at local charities to following procedures that eliminate waste, IGI Global is committed to improving the livelihoods of its staff, contributors, and community. With its strict adherence to ethical standards and transparency, IGI Global works passionately to make a positive impact on the environment and local and global communities.
Local Community
Located in the middle of “the sweetest place on earth”, Hershey, Pennsylvania, IGI Global strongly advocates for support for the local community. Each year, IGI Global staff volunteer their time, as well as raise both monetary and product donations for various causes that benefit the community, including:
The American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society hosts Strides Against Breast Cancer walks, which are the largest network of breast cancer awareness events in the nation. Through these walks, communities are able to honor breast cancer survivors and raise awareness about the steps needed to reduce breast cancer.
IGI Global proudly served as a Pink Ribbon Sponsor for the 2018 Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Through this sponsorship, IGI Global actively participated in this walk and provided needed funds to assist in innovative cancer research, promote education and risk reduction, and provide comprehensive patient support.
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The Humane Society
Seeking a humane world for both people and animals, the Humane Society of the United States is a leading advocate against animal cruelty and provides help to hundreds of thousands of animals in need.
IGI Global collects donations for the Humane Society of Harrisburg on an annual basis, providing everything from pet food to paper towels in order to help the thousands of animals in need of hands-on care and services.
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Children’s Miracle Network & Penn State Health Children’s Hospital
Raising funds for 170 children’s hospitals across the United States and Canada, the Children’s Miracle Network supports research and training, purchases equipment, and pays for uncompensated care in order to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible.
Each year, IGI Global participates in a Pay 4 Play radio marathon sponsored by 105.7 X in Harrisburg, offering staff the chance to donate money to ensure the best possible care for the sick and injured children at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital.
Additionally, September 2017 marked the first time IGI Global sponsored the Annual Hershey Miracle 5K Race. Several IGI Global staff members also participated in the 1-mile fun run/walk which directly benefited the Penn State Health Children’s Hospital.
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Ronald McDonald House Charities
Providing a place for families to stay at little to no cost while their seriously ill or injured child is hospitalized, the Ronald McDonald House Charities allow families to seek the best care possible, regardless of where in the country that may be..
IGI Global staff are proud to volunteer their time to make dinner for the guests staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Hershey, with past dishes including quesadillas and fajitas.
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Derry Township Community Cats
With its free Trap, Neuter, Release program, Derry Township Community Cats humanely control and prevent the growth of feral colonies of cats in the township. Since its inception in 2012, nearly 900 cats have been spayed and neutered, as well as medically examined and vaccinated.
New for 2017, IGI Global staff collected cat litter, kitten food, and more in order to help the cats needing pre- and post-surgery care.
Learn MoreGlobal Community
As an international publishing company, IGI Global is committed to disseminating forward-thinking knowledge globally. As a part of this commitment, IGI Global is dedicated to empowering social change through partnerships, publications, and community support.
World Forgotten Children Foundation
World Forgotten Children Foundation (WFCF) is a private non-profit effort founded for the sole purpose of supporting projects in less developed countries that promote the health and welfare needs of suffering children who are disabled and orphaned. Created by IGI Global’s President and CEO, Dr. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, IGI Global and WFCF have developed a partnership to support WFCF’s causes.
IGI Global donates five (5) percent of all purchases made through the online bookstore to WFCF’s causes and provides its editors with the opportunity to donate a percentage of their royalties. Through this powerful partnership, projects that have been funded include providing wheelchairs and crutches to orphans in Africa, educating children with albinism in Tanzania, and providing funds for nutritional and medicinal products for orphanages in Ukraine.
In June 2018, Dr. Khosrow-Pour spoke with ABC27 about WFCF’s inaugural “Faces You Can’t Forget: Month of Giving” campaign which helps provide the necessary funding to support the health and welfare needs of orphaned children with disabilities all over the world. Watch the full interview here. Additionally, in support of the campaign, each dollar that was donated in June 2018 was matched by an anonymous donor.
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Book Aid International
Through IGI Global’s distribution partner, Eurospan Group, IGI Global has continuously donated publications to Book Aid International, a charitable organization based in the United Kingdom, that is the leading book provision and library development charity working in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Ethiopia Library Development Projects
As a part of IGI Global’s long-standing commitment to disseminate quality peer-reviewed research globally, IGI Global has partnered with Fulbright Scholars to bring forward-thinking library and information science publications to developing Ethiopian universities, resulting in the strengthening of institutions, library collections, and professional development of students, faculty, and staff.
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Hurricane and Disaster Relief
IGI Global is focused on providing libraries with comprehensive peer-reviewed collections and personalized solutions. After the devastating effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in 2017, IGI Global assisted universities affected by hurricanes in rebuilding their collections by converting all IGI Global print titles to electronic.
IGI Global understands the impact that practicing responsible business can have on the environment, marketplace, and community. It maintains a sustainable, transparent business by utilizing the following practices:
Offers Electronic Format
In an effort to reduce the amount of waste generated daily, IGI Global is a strong advocate of the electronic format. Each title published is offered in electronic format and is able to be purchased individually for the same price as the hardcover format. Complimentary copies for contributors to IGI Global titles are provided electronically.
IGI Global is also a leader of the print to electronic conversion movement and partners with libraries in order to convert their print IGI Global titles to their electronic counterparts. This procedure not only frees space within the library, but also ensures that moving forward, the library will purchase electronically. IGI Global continues to identify programs such as this that make converting to electronic copies easy, affordable, and efficient.
Print On Demand
Due to the amount of waste created from printing based on anticipated demand, IGI Global utilizes the Print On Demand (POD) model. This model allows titles to be printed upon request in response to actual demand from a customer, thereby eliminating the need to stock high volumes of product within the warehouse.
Publish in Environment, Agriculture, and Physical Sciences
IGI Global publishes forward-thinking research within the fields of Environmental, Agricultural, and Physical Sciences to enable the successful stabilization of the environment and its inhabitants. By disseminating the newest technologies, breakthroughs, discoveries, and theories researched by experts looking to improve and sustain the environment, IGI Global helps provide solutions that address key issues such as climate change, pollution, and natural resource depletion.