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Open Access with IGI Global Here> | New Models of Higher Education: Unbundled, Rebundled, Customized, and DIY | Profs. Aaron M. Brower(University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, USA & University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Ryan J. Specht-Boardman(University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, USA)
©2022| 545 pgs. | ISBN13: 9781668438091 | - Covers Topics such as Curriculum Development, Lifelong Learning, & Skills-Based Education.
- Ideal for Policy Makers, Academicians, Instructors, & More
- Includes over 20+ Chapters of Timely Research
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New Models of Higher Education: Unbundled, Customized, & DIY, views the practical ways in which institutions of higher education, education technology companies, and workplaces can better respond to, and enable, new clever and productive approaches to lifelong learning. Since the release has been viewed over 650+ times in the span of four months, and with such innovative and timely research has allowed for it to be honored for its achievements in literature.
...Reasons [New Models of Higher Education] was my top pick:
I’ve recommended that our academic leadership team read the book. We have a COP model, and a book like this has an abundance of content that applies across a PCO unit that serves an incredible varied audiences. It will encourage agile thinking at a time when we are reinventing our learning models, serving more diverse learners than we have in our history as an organization.
–Jen Schwedler, UC Davis
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About the Editors

Aaron Brower is the founding Executive Director for the University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, and the Senior Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at the UW System. UWEX has built a national reputation for award-winning innovative online programs for adults and professionals. Among UWEX’s innovations is the UW Flexible Option, the first-in-the-country (and still only) competency-based educational program run throughout an entire statewide system. From 2012-2018, Brower served as Provost of UW-Extension (and Interim Chancellor of UW Colleges and UW-Extension during 2014). From 2007-2021, he was UW-Madison’s Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning. Brower remains a tenured professor at UW-Madison’s School of Social Work. Brower earned a dual Ph.D. in Psychology and Social Work in 1985 from the University of Michigan. Brower has written 5 books, more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and received over $18M in grants to support his work. His scholarship demonstrates the academic and social outcomes produced when colleges blend in- and out-of-class learning – engaging the whole university to support the entire student. His current work, and the subject of this book, develops a new educational approach that encourages people to customize the unbundling and rebundling of their education and training throughout their lives.

Ryan J. Specht-Boardman works for the University of Wisconsin (UW) Extended Campus. He is responsible for leading the UW Flexible Option, which is the UW System’s innovative multi-campus portfolio of competency-based degrees and certificates that serves over 1,200 students annually. He also has experience standing up and managing the UW Boot Camps, a collaboration between the UW System and 2U, Inc. Ryan’s career began in student services and has since moved into academic program management. His primary mission is to build, grow, and sustain non-traditional, alternative, and innovative programs for adult learners. He believes that improving educational outcomes for adult learners requires rethinking higher education's existing paradigms in program design. Ryan posits that improving educational outcomes for adult learners is an essential part of building a more equitable and resilient economy in his community. He holds degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and the University of Iowa.
UPCEA is the leading association for professional, continuing, and online education. For more than 100 years, UPCEA has served most of the leading public and private colleges and universities in North America. Founded in 1915, the association serves its members with innovative conferences and specialty seminars, research and benchmarking information, professional networking opportunities and timely publications. Based in Washington, D.C., UPCEA also builds greater awareness of the vital link between contemporary learners and public policy issues. Learn more about UPCEAhere.
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