| Dear Esteemed Librarians, We, at IGI Global, have tirelessly worked for nearly four decades to stay at the forefront of research related to innovation and rapid technological change across three major subject areas: Business & Management; Scientific, Technical, & Medical (STM); and Education, under which IGI Global publishes more than 200+ active fully open access journals, e-book collections, and has more than 800+ reference books scheduled for release in the 2024 copyright year. Today, we take pride in continuing this commitment, especially in areas such as modern Artificial Intelligence (AI), which continues to evolve and impact all aspects of our professional and personal lives. As a multitude of common-use and analytical AI tools are on the rise that are significantly aiding organizations with cost reduction and improved decision making, we, as an academic publisher feel that it is our honor, privilege, and responsibility to ensure the continuous growth and expansion of AI research findings across numerous industries and fields. IGI Global's Portfolio of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research At the start of 2024, we introduced five new open access AI journals that have been added to our full collection of 200+ active open access journals within IGI Global’s Open Access Journal Program. They represent five major areas as follows: These newly inaugurated open access journals cover the latest technological, operational, and implementation aspects of AI application and innovation, as well as various other areas of interest related to AI within our major subject areas of: Business & Management; Scientific, Technical, & Medical (STM); and Education. They join our ever-expanding portfolio of high impact AI-centered publications including several related open access AI journals, hundreds of AI books (view the AI & Machine Learning Brochure) - including the five volume Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning, the Artificial Intelligence e-Book Collection (download the full title list here), thousands of open access papers, as well as thousands of traditionally published (non-open access) published papers available through IGI Global OnDemand.
Open Access Partnerships and Collaborations These new AI journals and other open access journals of IGI Global are accessible through IGI Global’s website and platform, as well as through numerous partnering platforms such as ResearchGate, Academia, and the Aggregator of Global Open Science and Research (AGOSR), among others. In fact, we just recently expanded our partnership with ResearchGate for open access content syndication where all our previously published open access journal articles have been uploaded into their platform, as well as automatic uploading of all future open access works. We also have set up increased visibility for some of our most prominent journals through ResearchGate’s “Journal Home” program which provides enhanced searchability of our journals through full profile pages that include editor-in-chief information, scope and coverage, submission guidelines, read rates and other metrics, published research, author information, and more.
Open Access Agreements We encourage your library to consider signing up for IGI Global's Open Access Agreements which will support the faculty and researchers at your institution in publishing within these and other 200+ IGI Global Open Access Journals. IGI Global is one of the largest 100% open access journal publishers in the world and as such we are fully committed to supporting the open access publishing movement and wider open access of research globally without all the limitations of paywalls. I welcome the opportunity to discuss ways that we can collaborate with your institution to benefit your collection development needs while also supporting the publishing aspirations of your faculty members. Please do not ever hesitate to contact me directly at lwertman@igi-global.com. Sincerely,
Lindsay Wertman
President of IGI Global
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